Hello! It's been awhile! I really want to start making blog posts a regular thing again. As few of you know, I used to be a music blogger, and it definitely kept me on a schedule and gave me one hell of a creative outlet, and allowed me to share something I still am pationate about. I love writing, but I've definitely fallen out of practice. This will be a good way to get me back on track and also give me a chance to hash out my thoughts in writing. So here goes...
I plan to write about a variety of things. I definitely want to get back into music blogging, so I'll share some stuff I'm listening to. I'll also be sharing photography stuff, adventures, and whatever else pops into my head. I hope you enjoy it!
That said, I will say goodbye tonight, and you can check back in for new things! My first next post will be about my eclipse trip to the Talkeetna mountains with my good friend Luke!