I always low working with other people’s ideas and making them come to life. Nathaniel Wise (@nathanielwise) came with a list of things he wanted, and it was fun designing a system that would work for him. It was a blast spending a week building this in the Utah backwoods - beautiful views, a few brews, and a whole lot of tinkering.
One of Nathaniels biggest needs was the ability to have a wide - 50” - platform he could fold his mattress down on when night rolled around. We made this possible with a large L shaped removable bed support that covers the “hallway”. it is supported in front by a custom aluminum leg (my favorite part!)
Nathaniel also needed lots of storage, and boy did we make it. There are several storage boxes, nooks, a large drawer, and plenty of countertop to work with.
Nook for the Goal Zero too!
The build needed to be adaptable and be able to change between a few different “modes” - “lounge mode”, with the mattress in couch position, “sleep mode” with the full bed down, it needed to be able to be used to in “cook mode”, and finally, it needed to be able to all be secured for “drive mode”.
Lounge Mode
Cook Mode
Sleep Mode
Here is the drawing we built off of! Please reach out if you have any questions!